Learn more about alpaca

Quick Facts

Alpacas are native to South America

Farmed for their fleece

They are shorn once a year in the spring

There are two types of alpaca; Huacaya - the fluffy ones and Suri - with long silky ringlets

Alpaca are easy to care for

No Foot rot - they have a soft padded foot

No Flystrike - very little lanolin in the fleece

Alpaca are a viable investment for a small block

Article Library


Over the years we have writen articles for many magazines and newspapers. Here is a selection of our favourites...

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History of Alpaca

History.jpgAlpacas are members of the South American Camelid family.  They are a domesticated animal, most likely descended from the vicuna...

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Suri Genetics

SuriGenetics.jpgThere are different theories around about what a suri is exactly. The most popular being Ponzonie single gene theory. This sets out that the suri is the dominant gene...

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Suri Alpaca

AboutSuri.jpgSuri produce a rare beautiful fibre unlike that from any other animal. The best known suri trait is the outstanding natural luster but it also has a beautiful feel...

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Suri Fibre

SuriFibreInfo.jpgSuri produce a rare beautiful fibre unlike that from any other animal. The best known suri trait is the outstanding natural luster but it also has a beautiful feel...

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Buying guide

08_08_107.jpgPurchasing your first alpaca can be daunting, there seems like so much you need to know.  So to make it a bit easier we have put together some quick tips to help you.

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Farming Alpaca

FarmingAlpaca.jpgAlpacas are superb animals to farm as they are intelligent, easy to handle and very hardy. They also possess a very appealing and calming presence.

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